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Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a lawful permanent resident after meeting certain requirements. Generally, you are eligible for naturalization if you have been a lawful permanent resident for at least 5 years or you are a lawful permanent resident who has been married to a US citizen for at least 3 years.


When you decide to naturalize with Pathways, our legal staff will prepare your N-400 Application for Naturalization and remain by your side as a valuable resource until your oath ceremony. 


There are other factors for eligibility, call our office to schedule a consultation today. 

Why naturalize? 

1. Right to Immigrate Family Members

A U. S. citizen can sponsor a wider number of family members to come to the U.S. and the waiting time for them to receive a visa is faster than for the relatives of permanent residents.

2. Derivative Citizenship for Children

When a permanent resident naturalizes, their children under age 18 may automatically become U.S. citizens by derivation. There are certain requirements to qualify for derivative citizenship.

3. Full Civic Participation

A U.S.citizen has the right to vote in national state, and local elections, to run for elected office, and to serve on a jury.

4. Travel Benefits

A U.S. citizen can travel outside the U.S. for unlimited periods of time and re-enter freely.

5. Public Benefits

A U.S. citizen can receive public benefits such as food stamps and Medicaid without the restrictions imposed on non-citizens.

6. Protection from Deportation

A U.S.citizen, unlike a lawful permanent resident, cannot be deported.

7. More Employment & Educational Opportunities

Many federal, state, and local government jobs, as well as certain scholarships for higher education, require U.S. citizenship.

General Eligibility Requirements

  • Be at least 18 years old

  • Have resided in the United States as a lawful permanent resident for at least five years.

  • Have been physically present in the United States for at least 30 months

  • Be able to speak, read, write and understand the English language

  • Have and understanding of the fundamentals of the history, and of the principles and form of government, of the United States

  • Have been an LPR for at least 5 years or you are an LPR who has been married to a U.S. citizen for 3 years.


We are an appointment only organization. Please call or email us to schedule a meeting.

(858) 509-2589

120 Stevens Ave, Solana Beach, CA 92075

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Pathways to Citizenship is a 501(c)(3)

nonprofit organization.

Federal Tax ID #46-2522640

Pathways to Citizenship is an affiliate of World Relief.



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