Over 30 years ago, my siblings and I joined our parents on a trip that would change the rest of our lives. Unknown to us kids, as we hugged our grandparents goodbye, we would be leaving our birth country of Lima, Peru to travel to the United States as immigrants.
As an immigrant, my journey has taken me from California to Philadelphia and onward through the fields of Indiana. I've seen a wide diversity of people, cultures and traditions that make our Country so great. I have seen the very best that America has to offer, and at times, some of its worst. Yet, I know without a doubt, that coming to the US was one of the greatest gifts my parents gave me.
While Giving Tuesday has passed, I wanted to share about a worthy non-profit that works with immigrants: the North County Immigration & Citizenship Center (NCICC). I recently joined the Board and have been inspired by the dedicated team that works to help immigrants as they embark on their path toward citizenship.
Maybe you will also find inspiration in the cause. You never know, the young immigrant you mentor and help on their journey to be an American may be--like one of my siblings--your next teacher, pediatrician, animal rescuer or lawyer.